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The Bio's ESG Management for Tomorrow
'The Bio'
We always act for a better tomorrow's earth.
ESG Management
Carbon Emission Reduction
Resource Savings
Recycling Promotion
Development of clean
Response to climate change
Support for the socially
Data and privacy protection
Non-discrimination and respect
for diversity
Coexistence with localcommunity
Employment equality
Comply with laws and ethics
Anti-corruption / Strengthening fairness
Transparency provided by the
board of directors
Operational goal
“For a better global environment“
We expand our business domain and provide value for a better life, health, safety, sanitation, earth and environment.
“Sustainable Growth”
We contribute to promoting value consumption and protecting the global environment by leading social change through eco-friendly product innovation, carbon neutrality, social contribution, and volunteer work.
"Creative Challenge"
In a rapidly changing business environment, we will always seek new opportunities and present new values ahead of consumers' expectations. We will learn quickly and transform into an organization capable of more creative challenges.
Research field
Researh activities
Development of new technology
and utility model
Discovery of industry-university,
government tasks
patent and technology analysis
Product development
New business and product technology development
Securing commercialization
product design
Strategy development
Securing mid- to long-term
strategic technology
Growth trend, growth
prospect analysis
Market analysis by business
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